Working with Enums in Unity is something I continuously want to do, and I continue to forget how this works (since I do not code that often) So, here is a quick guide on how to set it up, and get it working, so that you can create selectable dropdowns. There is a variation of […]
Unity Sprite shape corners not showing?

Here is the answer that I was unable to find anywhere else on the internet. For a while now, I have been scratching my head about getting the corners to work with Sprite shapes, I have been trying a myriad of different options trying to get the Sprite shape corners to work the way I […]
When gits give me the warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF
I have had this problem for a few years now, it have been annoying, and in some sense you can say that it have been destructive, because it taught me to ignore the warning I get in my git console when committing. In many ways, you can say that this is really dangerous, because at […]
Firebase Analytics to your Unit Project
While trying to build my project, I ran into a bunch of building issues, and want to just share what I had to do in order to fix them, here. So, first of, my background is that I primary build for Android, and after this, I do the iPhone build, and upload to the App […]
New Marketing and social media plan
Overview So, I have been trying to get out there, and figure out what to do about all this social marketing stuff. And it appears to be less simple than I thought. But here is a draft of a conversation I had on reddit about marketing of games. You can see the original thread here: […]
New marketing ideas
I dont know if Marketing is the right word to use here, but I have been thinking about how I could create some attention and awareness around my games. One is of course, social media, but I guess there is other and also effective ways to create attention. Competitions I will be looking for competitions […]
Social media marketing for games and what I gathered in my quest to understand the fish.
So, I have always been bad at using social media, and market my things. I mean, I have probably always been ashamed of anything I do, and it appears to never be good enough, so I just create stuff, and never share it with anyone. This is partly the reason for this blog(that I do […]
Saving and Loading data in Unity – PlayerPrefs
So, I have been really frustrated with the PlayerPrefs system in unity, and there is a couple of reasons, but first and foremost, if you want to save and load data in Unity games, there is really no way around this, unless you are planning on only releasing on one platform. The second reason I […]
Making Unity Colliders follow the screensize
I was recently looking for a way to make sure that my colliders would stay right at the edge of the screen, no matter what dimensions the screen were. This is rather important, if you want your colliders follow the screen, no matter what phone you are using or what format you end up using. […]
Getting ideas for games
Creativity, ahh, what a wonderful thing 🙂 The thing you come to realise, is that creativity is like any other part of being human. If you train it, you become better at it. This is why I try to draw a drawing every day, even for just 5 minutes, I just need to get the […]